For suppliers

We work with many different suppliers at Fabege. We demand a great deal of ourselves and our suppliers.

Ethics, objectivity and professionalism

Fabege’s purchasing work is characterised by a high level of ethics, respect for human rights, professionalism, objectivity and equal treatment. Encouraging fair competition and counteracting all forms of corruption form the basis of all our relationships with suppliers.

We demand a great deal of ourselves and our suppliers. As a supplier you are expected to comply with our code of conduct and take part in our quality and sustainability inspections.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or queries.

Fabege's Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Successful sustainability work is built on good relationships and mutual trust between Fabege and our suppliers. The Code of Conduct details the expectations we have of our suppliers. We expect them to do their utmost to work in accordance with this Code, and at the same time to actively endeavour to ensure that any sub-contractors engaged also comply with it.

Download the Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Do you have a question?

Dick Larsen
Head of Purchasing
+46 46 8 555 148 90

Contact card
Sivan Andaziar
+46 46 8 555 148 09

Contact card
Victoria Boije
+46 46 8 556 747 37

Contact card
Changed 24 June 2024

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Whistleblower function

The Fabege whistleblower function is intended for reporting serious irregularities.

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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct presents our view on issues related to human rights, labour practices, the environment, business ethics and communication.

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