Great potential to reduce climate impact of buildings/properties


The property companies that work systematically to reduce their energy consumption are positioned far ahead of their competitors. This is apparent from a review of the energy consumption of seven property companies. All of these companies have energy consumption below the average level reported by the Swedish Energy Agency and Fabege had the lowest level, 37 per cent below the average.

“We have worked systematically to increase the efficiency of our energy consumption since 2002, and these efforts are now generating clear results. However, the considerable differences between the property companies at the forefront and the average for the industry is evidence of immense untapped potential for energy efficiency,” says Mia Östman, Environmental Coordinator at Fabege.

In accordance with the Swedish Energy Agency’s most recent statistics, the average energy consumption for heating and hot water in commercial premises was 132 kilowatt hour per square metre (kWh/sqm) in 2009. The corresponding energy consumption for Fabege’s properties during 2010 was 83 kWh/sqm Atempuncorrected.

Fabege has also examined the public reporting of an additional six large property companies in terms of their energy consumption in 2010, which showed energy consumption for heating in the range of 90-100 kWh/sqm uncorrected.

“The companies that take energy and the climate issue seriously show that it is possible to make great advances. However, the things that generate the best results are not necessarily glamorous, and are in fact everyday measures and long-term work,” Östman explains.

The average of 132 kWh/sqm applies to commercial premises heated by district heating in climate zone 3, which includes Stockholm County.

Fabege AB (publ)

30 Jun 2011 4:00 PM

For more information

For further information, please contact:
Mia Östman, Environmental Coordinator Fabege Tel: 46 (0)8 555 148 54, 46 (0)73 387 18 54

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