About us

We develop safe, attractive and sustainable urban districts in Stockholm. With a focus on commercial property in a number of well-located submarkets, we create offices, workplaces and environments that boost people’s wellbeing and enhance their performance. Via our subsidiary Birger Bostad, we are expanding our remit to include the development of residential areas in our neighbourhoods.

These days, there's a lot that modern people need to manage outside of work: fetching, dropping off, taking exercise and running errands. That’s why we aim to make it supremely simple for our customers’ employees to achieve a healthy work-life balance. So we have to think big. We have to look at the bigger picture. The whole company. The whole area. The whole person. All the time.

The bigger picture – what it’s all about.

The fact that we develop city districts and are therefore major owners in our areas means we can take greater responsibility for the bigger picture. From positioning the social areas and visible stairwells to encourage movement, to everything that happens outside the office itself. We know that people who feel good perform better. If on top of that they are able to run their private errands quickly and nearby, then it takes less time and focus away from work.

With our customers. Through thick and thin.

Another aspect of our long-term approach is our ownership. We always take a long-term view of our relationships. For example, if a customer expands, we’ll help them find a solution. The same applies if they need smaller premises.


Quick facts

Number of properties: 100
Market value of properties: SEK 78.9bn, of which development and project properties accounted for SEK 14.1bn
Rental value of properties: SEK 4.2bn
Lettable area: 1.3m sqm
Focused city districts: Arenastaden including urban district Haga Norra, Solna Business Park, Stockholm inner city, Hammarby Sjöstad and Flemingsberg.
Number of employees: 229

per 31 December 2024

Our vision

The success factor for a new era.

We will be a supportive partner that puts people front and centre. Our innovative, responsible and flexible ethos enables companies, locations and our city to develop

Our mission

Turning vision into reality.

We help people and companies thrive and achieve their goals. We bring places to life. No dream is too big or too small for us.

Our strategy

We focus on selected submarkets in Greater Stockholm with good accessibility and excellent opportunities for growth.

We focus primarily on commercial property, but also take a holistic approach, including housing, services and life between the buildings. We are actively engaged in developing our property and completing transactions to continuously boost the potential of our property portfolio.

Changed 13 March 2025

More about us

Strategy for growth

Fabege develops long-term, attractive city districts. Our concept is about creating the conditions to help people and companies thrive.

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Our business model

Our motto is ‘creating the right conditions’. For us it means developing long-term, sustainable city districts for our customers and their employees.

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Our city districts

By owning a large proportion of properties within well-defined areas, we have the opportunity to take greater responsibility for the district as a whole.

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