In 2024, the Board appointed an Audit Committee from among its own members consisting of the following three members, including the chairman:
- Anette Asklin, chairman
- Sofia Watt
- Jan Litborn
The committee holds four regular meetings annually, focusing on the company's internal control system. The responsibilities of the committee include:
- Preparing the board's work to ensure the quality of the company's financial reporting.
- Preparing the board's work to ensure the quality of the company's sustainability reporting.
- Regularly meeting with the company's auditor to gain insight into the scope and direction of the audit, discuss the coordination between external and any internal audits, and review the company's risk management.
- Establishing guidelines for non-audit services that the company may procure from its auditor.
- Evaluating the audit process and informing the company's nomination committee of the results, as well as assisting the nomination committee in developing proposals for the appointment of auditors and determining audit fees.
This means the committee addresses matters related to:
- The principles, content, and design of financial reporting, aiming to provide an accurate representation of the company’s operations and a solid basis for external assessment and internal control.
- The principles, content, and design of sustainability reporting, aiming to provide an accurate representation of the company’s operations and a solid basis for external assessment and internal control.
- The environment, design, and implementation of internal controls, including reporting to the board on these matters.
- The company’s various risks and how they are managed.
Minutes from the audit committee meetings are shared with all board members, and the committee chair regularly reports to the board.