99% Green financing


Green financing is a natural extension of the sustainability efforts that are conducted throughout the organisation. This ensures more responsible financing for us.

More importantly, it also gives us a broader investor base, trusting relationships with our financers and pride and commitment among our employees.

Fabege in brief
  30.06.2024 31.12.2023
Interest-bearing liabilities, SEKm 33,175 32,982
  of which outstanding MTN, SEKm 9,050 9,570
  of which outstanding SFF, SEKm 738 764
  of which outstanding commercial paper, SEKm 2,750 1,655
Unutilized facilities, SEKm* 7,160 6,960
Fixed-term maturity, years 3.8 4.1
Fixed-rate period, years** 1.8 2.1
Fixed-rate, share of portfolio, % 55 60
Derivative market value, SEKm 715 686
Average interest, incl. committed credit facilities, % 3.17 3.13
Average interest, excl. committed credit facilities, % 3.08 3.04
Unpledged assets, % 38 41
Loan-to-value, % 43 42

* Included credit facilities for commercial paper
** The fixed interest rate period adjusted by the estimated maturity of callable swaps amounted to 2.6 years

per 30 June 2024

Our green framework

The purpose of the framework is to create a standard for green financing that can be used with a number of Fabege’s various sources of funding. The framework has been designed to give Fabege broad opportunities for green financing and is based on certified real estate properties and ambitious energy consumption targets.

The framework is based on the green bond principles and Fabege’s aim to contribute to the 2030 Agenda goals. CICERO has issued a second opinion with a rating of medium green for the green terms and conditions and a rating of excellent for governance.

The framework also establishes the terms and conditions for the management of funds and for follow-up and reporting to lenders and investors. Reporting will take place quarterly, as well as in a more comprehensive form annually.

Click to download our green framework >

The different components of our green framework

Our green financing in brief

  Credit lines Outstanding loans and bonds
Green MTN-bonds, SEKm 9,050 9,050
Green bonds via SFF, SEKm 738 738
Green commercial papers, SEKm 2,750 2,750
Green loans, other, SEKm 27,922 20,762
Total green financing, SEKm 40,460 33,300
Share of green financing, % 99 99
Total green available borrowing facilities, SEKm 46,188  
 of which unrestricted green facilities, SEKm 15,205  

per 30 June 2024



In November 2023 Moody´s affirmed Fabege rating Baa2 with negative outlook and in the beginning of june 2024 has Moody´s affirmed unchanged rating, i.e Baa2, negative outlook.

Read more

Do you have a question?

Niclas Sylvén
Head of Treasury
+46 46 70 351 70 29

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