Since March 2016, Childhood has been based at the Wenner-Gren Center. The foundation is enjoying the open plan layout, which reflects its purpose visually.
The 16th floor, with its view of both Haga Park and the rooftops of the city, is home to Childhood. The light, open office with twelve workstations features a mix of furniture, much of which has been donated. Playful wallpaper reveals that this is an organisation that works with children.
“We’re really happy to have found an inspiring workplace that reflects what we do,” says Ellika Mårtensson, responsible for corporate partnerships at Childhood.
Childhood supports projects all over the world with the aim of preventing the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. The foundation was established in 1999 by H.M. Queen Silvia, who still plays an active role in its work. Fabege is one of Childhood’s partners.