Construction of the year 2023

The Building of the Year is the civil engineering sector's most prestigious award, which is awarded every year by the newspaper Byggindustrin. The award goes to an individual construction project that was completed in the previous year.

This means that the projects that are competing in Construction of the Year 2023 must have been completed in 2022. The projects compete in six different categories: Housing, Hotels and offices, Infrastructure, Industrial construction/logistics/shops, Community properties and Renovation.

We are incredibly proud to contribute to the competition with two properties progressing to the finals in the category of community properties, hotels and offices.


Hållbarhetshuset (Sustainability House) is the first pilot building in the Återhus – att bygga hus av hus (Re-building – constructing buildings from buildings) project. The building is made of about 70 per cent reused material and is a pioneer of its kind.

Hållbarhetshuset is one of the finalists for Construction of the Year 2023 in the "Hotel and office" category.

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Kvarteret Poolen

With a smart 3D solution, Solna got a new swimming pool and we got a new office in one and the same building! 

Kvarteret Poolen (Quarter The Pool) is also one of the finalists for Construction of the Year 2023 in the category "Community properties".

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Created: 20 February 2023

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