Alfa Laval signs lease with Fabege on move to Flemingsberg

Alfa Laval is to be Fabege’s first major new office tenant in Stockholm South Business District in Flemingsberg. The company will be leasing just over 17,000 sqm, with an option to lease additional office space in the heart of this urban centre for which the local development plan will be initiated shortly. The lease is for 22 years and Alfa Laval is expected to take up occupancy during the second quarter 2025.

Both Alfa Laval’s new offices and the high-tech innovation centre will be designed in close partnership with Fabege, with a strong focus on people, location and technology, in order to promote new ways of working. Identity, technical innovations and sustainable solutions have been the key factors in Alfa Laval’s search for the perfect location for their 700 employees.

The lease, at an annual rent of about SEK45m, provides a kick-start for Fabege’s future vision in which 50,000 employees, 50,000 residents and 50,000 visitors are drawn to the thriving district of Flemingsberg.

“We’re delighted at the confidence Alfa Laval has shown in us by choosing Flemingsberg as the site of their future development and operations. One more piece of the puzzle is now in place for our shared vision with Huddinge Municipality,” commented Stefan Dahlbo, President and CEO of Fabege.

The aim in the work of designing Flemingsbergsdalen is to create an attractive centre for businesses south of Stockholm inner city, and develop residential settings with green spaces and a vibrant and varied social scene close to the southern public and regional transport hub, and one of Stockholm’s largest nature reserves

“I am happy but not surprised that Alfa Laval is choosing Flemingsberg as one of Sweden’s strongest development areas. Alfa Laval’s office and innovation centre marks an exciting start for the new centre for office workplaces in the region and will be a perfect complement to the actors in research, medicine and academia which are already established in the area,” says Daniel Dronjak (Moderate party), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board in Huddinge.

Fabege’s investment cost is approximately SEK670m excluding land acquisitions. During construction, Fabege will actively focus on reducing its climate impact and ensuring the building’s carbon footprint is as low as possible throughout its lifespan, for example via the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power and by installing energy-efficient technology and ensure a high degree of energy recovery. The building will be certified with the goal to reach BREEAM-SE level, Excellent.

Previously we also announced that the local development plan for the construction of the new studios, workshops and rehearsal rooms in Flemingsberg for the Royal Dramatic Theatre and the Royal Opera entered into force in the summer, and that the project planning stage is now underway. Occupancy is scheduled to take place in 2024.

Fabege AB (publ)

9 Sep 2021 1:15 PM

For more information

Stefan Dahlbo, President and CEO, tel. +46 (0)70-353 18 88,'>'>'>
Johan Zachrisson, Head of Business Development, tel. +46 (0)76 720 34 19,'>'>'>
Daniel Dronjak, Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board, tel +46 (0)70 879 03 00,'>'>'>

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