How can we help you?

Our customer service is staffed around the clock to assist with questions related to your premises. You can easily get in touch with us here to make a service request. You can reach us either via the form below or through our Fabege app. In case of urgent matters, we ask you to give us a call at 020-990 990.

(Swedish only)

Download our app for service requests


Would you prefer a personal contact?

Call 020-990 990 for urgent matters. For other questions or concerns, you can always reach us on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:45 via phone or email.

Phone: 08-555 148 00

Fabeges head office

Gårdsvägen 6, Arenastaden/Solna


Elektronvägen 4, Huddinge

Hammarby Sjöstad

Hammarby Fabriksväg 29-31, Hammarby Sjöstad

Inner city

Luntmakargatan 18, Stockholm

Solna Business Park

Englundavägen 5A, Solna Business Park



Our flexible office solutions

WAW c/o Fabege


At Fabege, we want to make everyday life easier for our customers. To that end we’ve developed an exclusive benefit for our customers that allows them to offer their employees access to three extra workplaces around Stockholm. We call it WAW!

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VOV c/o Fabege


Simplify your everyday life as a master or mistress. In partnership with Dog Care Stockholm, we have opened a VOV dog daycare centre in Hammarby Sjöstad and one in Arenastaden. As a Fabege tenant, you have priority access to places.

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RUM c/o Fabege


We love meetings between people. With the aim of making everyday life easier for our customers, we offer three meeting rooms in Arenastaden for up to 30 people.

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Easy ways to cut energy costs

To protect the environment, everyone must lend a hand! Over recent years, we at Fabege have reduced carbon emissions from approximately 40,000 tonnes in 2002 to about 5,000 tonnes by focusing on systematic energy optimisation, converting to district heat and district cooling and switching to environmentally declared electricity. You as customer can also assist in protecting the environment and simultaneously reducing your energy costs.

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