Information on our actions in the wake of Russia's armed attack on Ukraine and the worsening security situation.
We have activated our emergency preparedness group and continuously evaluates how the development may affect our tenants, properties, and areas as well as our employees. We act proactively. Our technical operations have increased readiness to act in the event of unexpected operational interruptions to incoming media, cyber-attacks, or other incidents. We also ensure that bomb shelters in our properties are available for the intended function.
We contribute financially to the aid organisations with which we already have an ongoing collaboration and which have operations in Ukraine, such as UNHCR and Childhood. We also donate money to Médecins Sans Frontières' (MSF) work in Ukraine.
In Stockholm, we evaluate together with municipalities and authorities in what way we can best contribute to helping civil society and have offered premises to the authorities for temporary needs that may arise.
We also offer professional conversational support to employees who are concerned about the current situation.