Circular construction and reuse

The climate impact from the production of building materials is high. One of the most important pieces of the puzzle in our work to reduce climate emissions and contribute to a more sustainable society is therefore to focus more on circular construction such as reuse and conscious choice of materials.

One of our high sustainability goals is to halve our CO2 footprint by 2030 and we are working systematically to achieve this. To scale up the work with recycling, we have:

  • established a recycling strategy,
  • started a warehouse for reused materials, our Reuse Hub, and
  • adopted a reuse target which means that all our remodeling projects must meet a circularity index of at least 20 percent*.

*The goal means that at least 20 percent of the construction material supplied to a project must be either reused material, material with recycled and/or renewable content.

Building for the future

An example of building for the future is to focus on architectural quality that stands the test of time. Creating environments that can change over time with the help of flexible solutions that make remodeling more efficient, facilitate shared use and enable different areas of use. It is also about creating future conditions for circular material flows in all our projects. We do this by choosing materials with a long service life that can be repaired and dismantled and that are suitable for reuse or material recycling.

Film återbrukshubben

The Reuse Hub

The Reuse Hub in Solna Business Park is a physical warehouse of 2,000 square meters with the purpose of temporarily storing reused materials. The reuse hub is an important cornerstone of Fabege's reuse strategy and a prerequisite for scaling up the reuse work. It is often difficult in terms of time to match the supply and demand of reused material in our projects and therefore an intermediate warehouse is needed.

We have engaged an external logistic and dismantling company who takes care of logistics and stocking, but who can also help us with re-use inventory and dismantling if necessary.

In the Reuse Hub, we mainly temporarily store door parts, glass parts, kitchen fittings, suspended ceilings, floors, porcelain, installations and some furniture. All materials are quality checked, marked, cleaned and packaged to be attractive.

Read more about the Reuse Hub

Reuse coordinator

Success requires commitment. An important player for the reuse work to function is our reuse coordinator, who acts as the spider in the web.

The reuse coordinator coordinates supply and demand for reused materials in our organisation and ensures that the reuse flow works. The reuse coordinator is also responsible for the functioning of the Reuse Hub and the marketplace.

Digital platform

With the help of Palats - a digital platform for inventory and sales - the handling of reusable materials is facilitated all the way from inventory in one of our properties to use in another property. The reusable product is inventoried and documented, the product's environmental savings are calculated and finally it is published on our digital marketplace for further sale. Users can then easily both see what is available in the Recycling Hub and make the purchase.

The Reuse Park

Fabege has opened Stockholm's first reuse park in Arenastaden, which will become a central hub for reused trees, bushes and outdoor materials waiting to be moved on to new locations.

The Reuse Park is a branch of Fabege's Reuse Hub in Solna Business Park, with the common goal of contributing to a functioning reuse market and reduced climate emissions. In addition, the park is a welcome addition to the outdoor environment along Råsta Strandväg and Evenemangsgatan.

Read more about the Reuse Park

Reuse on a large scale requires new working methods and consensus with our customers. Reuse does not have to sacrifice quality – quite the opposite.

Our reuse ladder

The reuse strategy describes goals for reuse as well as routines and methods of how we will achieve the goals. The reuse ladder is a guide for changing established thought patterns and ways of working: 

  1. Demolish as little as possible - preserve existing structures and layouts.
  2. Reuse the material that is already in the premises.
  3. Use reuse materials from other Fabege projects or Fabege's Reuse Hub.
  4. Look for reuse material from other marketplaces if you cannot find material within Fabege's stock.
  5. Choose climate-smart materials with a high proportion of recycled content if you have to choose new materials.

Always remember to design and assemble materials so that they are easy to reuse or alternatively recycle in the future.

Want to know more?

Mia Häggström
Head of Sustainability
+46 46 8 555 148 54

Contact card
Changed 6 August 2024