New borders

Street Gallery c/o Fabege

Street Gallery - New borders by Daniel Jouseff

The works in New borders deal with topics such as identity, origin, togetherness, history, and future. How is the perception of who you are affected if you are everything and nothing?

The exhibition took place between 3 December 2020 and 30 April 2021 on Smidesvägen/Svetsarvägen in Solna Business Park.

Solna Business Park is a district that is evolving. Things are happening here, on a large and small scale. Street Gallery c/o Fabege is part of this process of change. A street art exhibition featuring innovative pieces that add sparkle to everyday life. One of a number of surprising and unexpected aspects of everyday life that encourage vitality in the spaces between buildings, wellbeing, and a sense of security. 

The Tower of Babel and the Fall of Language

Once upon a time, all people worked together to build a tall tower. So high that it would reach God. The project seemed possible when suddenly everything came to an end.

Because in the middle of the build, our words stopped being understandable to each other. And as soon as our friends spoke, all we could hear was an incomprehensible waffle. We were never meant to create something on the same level as God, so to keep us from cooperating, God made sure we all started speaking different languages.

Instead of building together, we started arguing over misunderstandings and war broke out. We could no longer communicate. We could no longer understand our friends, but ...

We could have built it.
If only we had found the words.

Disco Bomb (for Martin Kippenberger)

I can ignore the war. I can afford it.

I place the piece of music the "contrapuntal" in a political and literary narrative: Edward Said (?).

Most people are mainly aware of a culture, a place, a home. People in exile are at least aware of two. This dual vision gives rise to an awareness of several dimensions simultaneously. An awareness that, to borrow a concept from music, is counterpoint.

For someone living in exile, events, expressions, and activities in the new environment always takes place against a background of memories of the same things but in another life.

The Leader och No title

The Leader

The title of these portraits derives from the conflict between the capitalist west and the fundamentalist east. Although these portraits do not tell anyone about the origin of man, they show how deeply rooted our prejudices are about everyone who is different, and therefore we take for granted that these portraits are threatening.

No title ("Rimowa")

Le dur desir de durer
(The Hard Desire to Endure)

It contains my memories, my travels, and my returns.

In addition comes all the bearers who at first glance may seem less legendary or prominent. Sindbad the Bearer, friend of Sindbad the Sailor, is worth mentioning. He was called the Bearer because his job was to carry people's "motives", that is, their belongings, on his head.
It is a well-known story that goes deep into the duality.

The duality of language.
You miss a lot in exile, the language for example.

By learning Arabic, I actually got a sense of home.

"When I travel, I always have too much with me. Even a trip into town means that the bag has to be packed with items that are disproportionately large like many in relation to how long the trip takes."

"Through all the dissonance in my life, I have learned to actually prefer to remain homeless."

Does it sound fragmented?
That's because it is fragmented. Growing up with more than one language (where I speak all languages ​​poorly) makes none of the languages ​​feel like mine.

We Them

When we are confronted by the words "we" and "them", everyone ends up on one side.

We are forced into increased self-awareness and feeling for the situation.

Often we do not know what we are confronted by or experiencing.

In addition to the anxiety and fear that it involves.

No comment

The feeling of being between cultures has been very strong in me. I would say that is the single common thread in my life.

The fact that I'm always on my way to and from things, and never in anything for very long.


Mirror the letters in the word "ARAB" and you get "BARA" (only). At the same time comical as diminishing and a commentary on the state of the world.

Suspended Swedish Flag

The object/flag reinforces the notion that even if you want to start over, there are traces of the past. The beginning is already occupied by the inevitable presence of history. Even if we try, there is no tabula rasa.

The Limits och Madonnan

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world

A happy future? We read about it, hear talk of it, and we see the present lived by other modern civilizations and it’s not yet within our reach. Ultimately this sense of feeling has been identified as the cardinal characteristic of contemporary Arab culture - particularly that of us the Arab youth namely restlessness.

The Madonna

Most novels are about the creation of a fictional identity.
Who am I?

Two different worlds can coexist in parallel.

In parallel and individually, alone and together at the same time.
Who am I?

Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?

Past, present and future

I try to get rid of my past, with the feeling of being chased by a shame that almost makes me feel sick. When I look back now, I think this was part of that time. This work is about becoming and belonging. I became someone else, who now belongs here.

Street Gallery

A street art exhibition featuring innovative pieces that add sparkle to everyday life. One of a number of surprising and unexpected aspects of everyday life that encourage vitality in the spaces between buildings, wellbeing and a sense of security.

Solna Business Park is a district that is evolving. Things are happening here, on a large and small scale. Street Gallery c/o Fabege is part of this process of change.

See all exhibitions here